A bunch of New Yorkers got together to think deeply about love.
Understand.nyc is a methodology created to help people from all walks of life to understand and express complex situations. People of all ages, abilities and backgrounds gather in small groups to come up with collective understanding of a situation (think problem or environment).
The work you see, both on the LinkNYC kiosks around the city, and on understand.nyc, is the product of a workshop organized around a small group of people who examined what is love.
The squares or tiles you see here represent cogs of collaborative thinking, and in this case, on the topic of “What is Love?”
Examine the tiles and recombine them to figure out how these elements interconnect in your life. Each tiles can be moved to be placed next to another one. Labels explain what the tiles are (black box for the title of the tile, white box for the name of the element in the tile).
The website is navigated differently according to the device you’re using to access it:
Type j or h to remove texts and labels, + or _ to make the labels larger or small. Press space bar to see the space rotate.
Try different combinations and see how the system changes its meaning. There are infinite combinations!